Merging with the landscape 2024

Mountain massifs in grey and blue and an audible silence: The photo artist and product designer Martin Schgaguler takes guests of the Schgaguler Hotel on an unforgettable photo excursion to the “moon landscapes of the Dolomites”.

22.09.24 - 27.09.24

Per person prices for four nights including all services of this offer:

Room TypePrice per Person
Classic Room 01€1.766,00
Classic Room 02€1.850,00
Gable Room€1.874,00
Loft Suite€2.366,00


  1. 01

    The Sella Group

    Hike from Passo Pordoi over the Sella Group

    A four-hour afternoon hike through the moon-like landscape of the Sella massif.

  2. 02

    The Rosengarten and Molignon massif

    A two-day hike from Karrerpass to Seiseralm

    We cross the Rosengarten and Moliginon massifs and swim in Lake Antermoia.

  3. 03

    Mountain hut overnight stay

    The night in the mountains, a special experience.

    We stay in a hut that is not only spectacularly located but also architecturally interesting. Free from light pollution, you can observe the stars particularly well here.

  4. 04

    Sports massage

    A soothing full-body massage

    After physical activity, a massage relaxes the mind and brings the body back into balance, so that you can draw strength and energy for a new tour.

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  1. 01

    The Sella Group

    Hike from Passo Pordoi over the Sella Group

    A four-hour afternoon hike through the moon-like landscape of the Sella massif.

  2. 02

    The Rosengarten and Molignon massif

    A two-day hike from Karrerpass to Seiseralm

    We cross the Rosengarten and Moliginon massifs and swim in Lake Antermoia.

  3. 03

    Mountain hut overnight stay

    The night in the mountains, a special experience.

    We stay in a hut that is not only spectacularly located but also architecturally interesting. Free from light pollution, you can observe the stars particularly well here.

  4. 04

    Sports massage

    A soothing full-body massage

    After physical activity, a massage relaxes the mind and brings the body back into balance, so that you can draw strength and energy for a new tour.

Excursion to the "moon landscapes of the Dolomites"

The Language of the Mountains in Pictures.

The pictures by Martin Schgaguler are exhibited in the social rooms of the hotel and are impressive in two respects. On the one hand, their large format, almost monumental prints, and on the other hand, their equally monumental motifs: Martin Schgaguler has photographed places that remind him of “moon landscapes” in their barrenness and natural reduction. Their different shades of grey with white or blue skies and their sometimes monochrome areas not only evoke moods in the viewer, but also arose from his moods during longer hikes.

Feeling the Land.

Martin takes guests of the hotel to these special places on two exceptional hikes: a day tour (five hours of walking) and a two-day tour (eleven hours of walking) with an overnight stay in a mountain hut. “The physical exertion and challenge of hiking in these regions leads to a form of meditation,” says Martin. “In this state, we perceive nature differently, it is as if we merge with the land”. And it is precisely this state that his images aim to capture.


The program begins with your arrival on Sunday, September 22nd. At 6:30 PM, we invite you to a short information evening where we will provide details about the planned hikes for the coming days. This will be followed by a delicious dinner.

The hikes will start each day at 8:00 AM and will last all day. Tuesday is the only exception. For your nourishment during the hikes, lunch packages and water bottles will be provided.


Monday 23.09.2024


Hike from Passo-Pordoi over the Sella-Massiv.

Tuesday 24.09.2024


Easy afternoon/recovery hike to Völserweiher with an opportunity to swim in the lake afterward.

Wednesday 25.09.2024


Two-day hike from Karrerpass to Seiseralm with the stage destination “Santnerpass” where we will spend the night.

Thursday 26.09.2024


From Santnerpass, we descend to Violethütte and then make our way to Antermoia Lake, where there is also an opportunity for a refreshing swim in the mountain lake. Afterward, we continue hiking to Seiseralm, where we will be picked up and return to the hotel around 6:00 PM.

“In this state, we perceive nature differently, it is as if we merge with the landscape.”

Martin Schgaguler


Martin Schgaguler is a photographer and artist. His work encourages viewers to actively “see” rather than merely “look,” uncovering deeper emotional and existential layers. His subtle photographs evoke contemplation, inspiring self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our place in the world.

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